Projects & Partners

TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT opportunities in London


opportunities in London

We are working on a number of projects with a diverse range of partners, in order to deliver better services and open up new employment opportunities for our clients in London. Read below to find out more about our current work, and if you want to speak to one of our team, you can call us today on 020-8808-6221.
Our Projects
European Social Fund Logo
European Social Fund
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and so help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
skills funding agency logo
Skills Funding Agency
Skills Funding Agency (SFA) are an agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and whose job is to fund and regulate adult further education and skills training in England. The main mission of SFA is to ensure that people and businesses can access the skills training they need to succeed in playing their part in society and in growing England’s economy. This is done in the context of policy set by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and informed by the needs of businesses, communities and sector and industry bodies.
Information, Advice and Guidance
Immigration Casework and Refugee Integration Programmes help deliver much needed help and advice to refugees and provide learning that will assist them to find employment and access vital services thus aiding their integration into society.

If you or someone you know is in need of help then get in touch today by calling 020-8808-6221 pr emailing us on 

Immigration Casework and Refugee Integration Programmes
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) services play a very important role in delivering the Skills adult learners. IAG promote the benefits of learning, help individuals to address and overcome the barriers to learning, and support them in making realistic and well-informed choices. IAG involves a range of vital services which are an integral and valued part of adult learning that help learners to make very important decisions about their future.
Our partners

We work with a range of partners in delivering our support services, training and education, including:

• Croydon Supplementary Educational Project (CSEP)
• Haringey Council
• Ebenezer Community Learning Centre
• City of London Business College (CLBC)
• African Network International (ANI)
• Widows and Orphans
• Selby Trust
Our partners

We work with a range of partners in delivering our support services, training and education, including:
• Croydon Supplementary Educational Project (CSEP)
• Haringey Council
• London Learning Consortium (LLC)
• City of London Business College (CLBC)
• African Network International (ANI)
• Barking and Dagenham College
Newham College of Further Education
• Selby Trust
Manley Summers
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